The Business School Student Government Members

Tujanna Smith
Tameika Anthony
Darnell Benn
Jeniffer Dipnaraine

Student Representatives

Each academic programme has a student representative. The Student Representative is an advocate for students’ rights, and as such they bring student concerns to the attention of the administration. The student rep also has direct contact with the quality manager and the quality coordinators, so that they can appraise students of issues emanating from the administration and of concerns to their scholarship.

The student representative for each programme is elected by student within that programme and they serve for one year or the duration of the programme. The college responds to students concerns through the management committee meetings and the board of governors meetings where a student representative is a member.

Current Student Representative

ABE Level 4
Jasmine Clement

ABE Level 5
Tujuanna Smith

Jennifer Dipnarine

Tameika Anthony